Sunday, July 30, 2006

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole-accepting Denise Jones

The 2nd edition published from London at 0640 Hrs GMT / 0740 Hrs UK time on Sunday 30 July 2006

AADHIKAR means Rights in Asian. The word was introduced into English by Muhammad Haque in December 1980

Sunday 30 July 2006
Publishing programme for the defence of the community in the East End of London
Latest jobless figures expose the Crossrail lies that the corrupt clique on Tower Hamlets Council has been peddling - East Enders are NOT getting the jobs that Big Business is controlling in the area, Eastende4rs will NOT get the jobs that Big Buessw3ill will control on Crossrail
Blair honours Crossrail-grabbing USA construction multinational Bechtel man – we expose the Crass lies that Crossrail-pluggers have been telling in order to mislead the target community about the very severe devastating effects of the Crossrail hole attacks From the previous editions as published on Saturday 29 July 2006
AADHIKARonline publishing programme during Saturday 29 July 2006
No to Crossrail! The KHOODEELAAR! campaign against Crossrail hole Bill tells ‘Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole-inviting Council's 'new' leader Denise Jones to stop repeating th e crass lies confected by the Crossrail touts on the Council -the Khoodeelaar! Open Letter to Tower Hamlets Council 'leader' here shortly
East End community defence: ’No to Monica Ali’ as the tool for violations of the rights of the community - East London Campaign against defamation of the Community – updates and fact files
News about East London MPs: So, George Galloway has too much regard for Blairing Ken Livingstone! – a report here soon
How to scrap the ‘ethnicity-linked’ ‘media’ slavery outlets –
The licence payers’ say: how to scrap the Biased Blaired Conspiracy [BBC]
Khoodeelaar! court action against councillors ‘Abbas Uddin ‘Helal’ and his co-members on Tower Hamlets Council’s ‘CrossRail’ committee, October 2004 and other details - From the previous editions
khoodeelaar! Court case against uk crossrail hole minister - the particulars of the first claim – the first set of claims filed this week against the uk transport minister [and others] include those covered under the following headings:
that the contents of the crossrail bill are incompatible with the European convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms
that the statement made by the transport minister claiming that the contents were compatible with the echr was a lie and an untrue one and that it was also an untruthful one
that the contents
that the contents of the crossrail bill breached the relevant provisions of the race relations [amendment] act 2000.
that the ‘instructions’ accompanying the setting up of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ select committee were in breach of the ECHR and that those instructions contradicted the presumption of fair hearing enshrined in the ECHR
That the allocation of £100 Million to the CLRL by the Secretary of State under Section 6 of the Railways Act 2005 was a breach of the human rights of the people affected by the clrl as that allocation has been made without showing or providing for the actual access to the information AT THE TIME of the application of that money by CLRL. That allocation is multifariously unconstitutional, illegal and corrupting. plus
Why the london guardian is promoting the image of a Bangladeshi community in the uk that is violent over monica ali 'book' 'film' - exactly why does the guardian feel comfortable in proactively ‘reporting’ the image of a 'book-burning' 'protest' stunt being fomented in the name of the bangladeshis in the east end of london? Why does the guardian suppress the real news about the campaign against the defamation of the community in the east end of london?
Why is tower hamlets council collapsing before our very eyes as a 'local democratic institution'?
Other aadhikaronline reports, exclusives and features